Saturday, April 7, 2012

Finally, an update!

Yes, I know, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I've had so much going on that I haven't had time to do much of anything. Yesterday was my birthday, so I've been taking a break...just kidding. I was going to take a Trig final today, but the website is having technical difficulties, so I have a little extra time.

Anyway, the DDF season is over. I got fourth place in the state debate championships (mostly due to my partner). Now that the season is over I should have a lot more time, right? Nope. I neglected some of my work during the season, so I have been making it up. I'm taking World History, C Programming, and Trigonometry at home. In addition, I have been studying for the SAT Physics Subject Test, which I will be taking on May 5th.

Last weekend I did take some time off and we went up to the pass with our snow equipment. We pulled off the side of the road and hiked a couple hundred feet, where we found a nice place to sled and ski. The snow was hard, so we could walk on it without falling in, even though it was at least 3 feet deep. It was also slippery, so slippery, in fact, that my sister could go sledding without a sled. On the way back we stopped at a friend's house, who had about a consistent 6-8 feet of snow in their yard.

This morning my dad, sister, and I walked down to the beach for a low tide. Here's a panorama and a picture of a sea anemone.

Last week I had to take the high school exit exam (I always get standardized testing for my birthday). I also had to fly to Juneau to see a visiting specialist, so after my last test on Thursday I flew to Juneau, then came back on the ferry the next day.

I got a new flat panel monitor at a garage sale for $10. Despite the price, it works wonderfully, and is probably the largest and best monitor in the house at the moment. I also recently ordered a shoulder support rig for my camera. It was pretty cheap (only $130), but all of the reviews were good. I'll see how it works when it gets here.

For my birthday I got a new webcam from my grandparents (the Logitech C210) which is a huge improvement over my old one, which was probably made 10 years ago. It also mounts on my computer screen, so I don't need a tripod to use it. I also got a new hard drive for all of my pictures and video projects from my parents. Then the rest of my presents were about a years supply of gluten-free cookies, mixes, cinnamon rolls, chocolate, etc.

We have also been seeing some good Northern Lights recently. I took a timelapse, but I haven't assembled it yet. But here's a still picture.

It will probably be a while before I post anything new for a while. I am going to be busy making videos and doing schoolwork.