Monday, August 1, 2011

ASRA Day 6- Roadside Animals, Roadside Rocks,

Note: I will be posting a bunch of posts at once in the next few days. They won’t have been posted on the right date, since I couldn’t post them while I was without internet.
Note 2: I will try, if I get permission from the rest of my group, to post our presentation video, with all of the video segments I refer to, but if I can’t, I will just post my segments and some video from the trips sometime this week.
We got up this morning and walked out to the river for a bit. Then we headed off on a road trip.  Our guide, Kristen, came with us. We drove  for a while and saw a amazing amount of  wildlife. Enough that it probably took us  twice as long to get to where we were going.
First we saw a dead caribou, killed by some  wolves. When we saw it, a bear was feasting  on it. Next we saw a bear walking down the  road, just a few feet away from us.
We saw a lot more wildlife, so many that I  don't need to narrate each one. Anyway, we  next stopped at Polychrome Pass. The mountain  range across the way was multicolored, hence  the name (poly for many, chrome for color). The road at the pass was on a  mountain side, probably a thousand feet up.  It was also a narrow dirt road with big tour  buses passing every 15 minutes. We pulled  off and got out to look at a rock outcrop.  It was very windy, so I got a chance to try  out my microphone with its windscreen.
We filmed a short interview here for our  presentation, where Derek interviewed Peter, another classmate, about a fault. You can see in the picture the  difference in color and fragmentation  between the different types of rock.
The microphone worked pretty well, but you  could still here some gusts in the video.  But then again, I only had a foam windscreen, when you really need a "fuzzy"  one for it to work well.
Next we stopped at the Eilson Visitor  Center, which has a outlook on Denali (or  Mt. McKinley, as it is officially called).  It was cloudy, so we couldn't see all of it,  but I still got some pretty pictures, I  think.
In the upper right corner picture, Mt. McKinley is in the center, covered in clouds.
Our planned hike for the day was out to  Muldrow Glacier, and it was already 3:30. We  missed the turn off, but as a result, saw a  large moose. It was close to where we were  going to hike, so we were careful as we hiked, but didn't see it.
The hike was through tundra, with lots of  little shrubs. We passed a wildlife  observation outpost, then came to a river.  We walked along the river for a bit, then  came to a outlook on the glacier.
The glacier was actually sediment covered,  so the face looked like rock and the top  like tundra. We shot a segment here about  sedimentation, then went back to the car.

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