Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 11- Paleontology and Presentations

We worked on the presentation all day. At  1:30 we went to the museum of the north and  got a tour of the paleontology department.  We got to see a huge "vault" of shelves full  of specimens. It was down in the basement,  and it almost felt like a Indiana Jones  mysterious vault. We couldn’t take pictures of the vault, but we did get to see some reproduction specimens.


We also practiced our presentation, although the video wasn't rendered yet, as I kept  getting errors.

That night I started rendering the final  version at 12:00, then set my alarm to wake  me up at 1:00 so I could check it. But I was  so tired that I slept through my alarm,  which I've never done before, and didn't  wake up till 6:30. I found the render had  another error, and I was starting to worry  that it wouldn't work. I could always play  it from my editing program, but it would be  jerky and slow.

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